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A Little About Kimberley
I enjoy creating and facilitating spaces for people to encounter God, experience belovedness, and deepen into faith.
A Spiritual Director, retreat leader, and writer, I pay attention to the Trinity’s movement and seek to follow this light with you.
I received my Master’s of Divinity and Spiritual Direction Certificate from Portland Seminary and work at the Dominican Center, a spiritual formation ministry in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My family of five lives halfway between Lake Michigan and Grand Rapids, perhaps indicative of how I inhabit and find God in the in-between spaces.

My Vocation
Discovering God is my greatest joy. And so it follows most naturally that supporting others in their discoveries of God is a great honor for me. My own spiritual formation has occurred in the crucible of parenting, the adventures of decision-making, the wondering of suffering, and the companionship of the Spirit through nature, people, prayer. Contemplative practices, including spiritual direction, release my soul and give it air to breathe. I desire to help others stay present to God in struggle, find space to receive his generosity, and support their action to move in freedom and trust.
My pivot into Spiritual Direction
As I followed the programs and formats of our church groups, I eventually discovered that I more naturally served in one-on-one relationships, listening and encouraging on the margins. I discovered that people want someone outside the standard offerings of church to wonder and listen together. When I read David Benner’s Sacred Companions and first learned about spiritual direction, my heart leaped and I felt a deep yes in my spirit: Yes, this is what I’m made for!